$ oxend --help
Oxen 'Wistful Wagyu' (v10.3.0-1~deb11)

Usage: oxend [options|settings] [daemon_command...]

--help Produce help message
--version Output version information
--config-file arg (=<data-dir>/oxen.conf)
Specify configuration file
--non-interactive Run non-interactive

--log-file arg (=<data-dir>/oxen.log) Specify log file
--log-level arg
--max-log-file-size arg (=104850000) Specify maximum log file size [B]
--max-log-files arg (=50) Specify maximum number of rotated log files to be saved (no limit by setting to 0)
--max-concurrency arg (=0) Max number of threads to use for a parallel job
--data-dir arg (=/home/user/.oxen, /home/user/.oxen/testnet if 'testnet', /home/user/.oxen/devnet if 'devnet')
Specify data directory
--test-drop-download For net tests: in download, discard ALL blocks instead checking/saving them (very fast)
--test-drop-download-height arg (=0) Like test-drop-download but discards only after around certain height
--testnet Run on testnet. The wallet must be launched with --testnet flag.
--devnet Run on devnet. The wallet must be launched with --devnet flag.
--regtest Run in a regression testing mode.
--keep-fakechain Don't delete any existing database when in fakechain mode.
--fixed-difficulty arg (=0) Fixed difficulty used for testing.
--dev-allow-local-ips Allow a local IPs for local and received service node public IP (for local testing only)
--prep-blocks-threads arg (=4) Max number of threads to use when preparing block hashes in groups.
--fast-block-sync arg (=1) Sync up most of the way by using embedded, known block hashes.
--show-time-stats arg (=0) Show time-stats when processing blocks/txs and disk synchronization.
--block-sync-size arg (=0) How many blocks to sync at once during chain synchronization (0 = adaptive).
--offline Do not listen for peers, nor connect to any
--block-download-max-size arg (=0) Set maximum size of block download queue in bytes (0 for default)
--max-txpool-weight arg (=648000000) Set maximum txpool weight in bytes.
--service-node Run as a service node, option 'service-node-public-ip' must be set
--service-node-public-ip arg Public IP address on which this service node's services (such as the Loki storage server) are accessible. This IP address will be advertised to the network via the service node uptime proofs.
Required if operating as a service node.
--storage-server-port arg (=0) Deprecated option, ignored.
--quorumnet-port arg (=22025, 38159 if 'testnet', 38859 if 'devnet')
The port on which this service node listen for direct connections from other service nodes for quorum messages. The port must be publicly reachable on the `--service-node-public-ip' address and
binds to the p2p IP address. Only applies when running as a service node.
--pad-transactions Pad relayed transactions to help defend against traffic volume analysis
--block-notify arg Run a program for each new block, '%s' will be replaced by the block hash
--reorg-notify arg Run a program for each reorg, '%s' will be replaced by the split height, '%h' will be replaced by the new blockchain height, and '%n' will be replaced by the number of new blocks in the new chain
--keep-alt-blocks Keep alternative blocks on restart
--store-quorum-history arg (=0) Store the service node quorum history for the last N blocks to allow historic quorum lookups (e.g. by a block explorer). Specify the number of blocks of history to store, or 1 to store the
entire history. Requires considerably more memory and block chain storage.
--lmq-public-quorumnet Allow the curve-enabled quorumnet address (for a Service Node) to be used for public RPC commands as if passed to --lmq-curve-public. Note that even without this option the quorumnet port can be
used for RPC commands by --lmq-admin and --lmq-user pubkeys.
--extra-messages-file arg Specify file for extra messages to include into coinbase transactions
--start-mining arg Specify wallet address to mining for
--mining-threads arg Specify mining threads count
--db-sync-mode arg (=fast:async:250000000bytes)
Specify sync option, using format [safe|fast|fastest]:[sync|async]:[<nblocks_per_sync>[blocks]|<nbytes_per_sync>[bytes]].
--db-salvage Try to salvage a blockchain database if it seems corrupted
--p2p-bind-ip arg (= Interface for p2p network protocol (IPv4)
--p2p-bind-ipv6-address arg (=: Interface for p2p network protocol (IPv6)
--p2p-bind-port arg (=22022, 38156 if 'testnet', 38856 if 'devnet')
Port for p2p network protocol (IPv4)
--p2p-bind-port-ipv6 arg (=22022, 38156 if 'testnet', 38856 if 'devnet')
Port for p2p network protocol (IPv6)
--p2p-use-ipv6 Enable IPv6 for p2p
--p2p-ignore-ipv4 Ignore unsuccessful IPv4 bind for p2p
--p2p-external-port arg (=0) External port for p2p network protocol (if port forwarding used with NAT)
--allow-local-ip Allow local ip add to peer list, mostly in debug purposes
--add-peer arg Manually add peer to local peerlist
--add-priority-node arg Specify list of peers to connect to and attempt to keep the connection open
--add-exclusive-node arg Specify list of peers to connect to only. If this option is given the options add-priority-node and seed-node are ignored
--seed-node arg Connect to a node to retrieve peer addresses, and disconnect
--tx-proxy arg Send local txes through proxy: <network-type>,<socks-iport>[,max_connections][,disable_noise] i.e. "tor,,100,disable_noise"
--anonymous-inbound arg <hidden-service-address>,<[bind-ip:]port>[,max_connections] i.e. "x.onion,,100"
--hide-my-port Do not announce yourself as peerlist candidate
--no-sync Don't synchronize the blockchain with other peers
--out-peers arg (=-1) set max number of out peers
--in-peers arg (=-1) set max number of in peers
--tos-flag arg (=-1) set TOS flag
--limit-rate-up arg (=2048) set limit-rate-up [kB/s]
--limit-rate-down arg (=8192) set limit-rate-down [kB/s]
--limit-rate arg (=-1) set limit-rate [kB/s]
--bootstrap-daemon-address arg URL of a 'bootstrap' remote daemon that the connected wallets can use while this daemon is still not fully synced.
Use 'auto' to enable automatic public nodes discovering and bootstrap daemon switching
--bootstrap-daemon-login arg Specify usernameassword for the bootstrap daemon login
--rpc-bind-ip arg (= Specify IP to bind RPC server
--rpc-bind-ipv6-address arg (=::1) Specify IPv6 address to bind RPC server
--rpc-use-ipv6 Allow IPv6 for RPC
--rpc-ignore-ipv4 Ignore unsuccessful IPv4 bind for RPC
--rpc-login arg Specify username[assword] required for RPC server
--confirm-external-bind Confirm rpc bind IP value is NOT a loopback (local) IP
--rpc-access-control-origins arg Specify a comma separated list of origins to allow cross origin resource sharing
--rpc-public arg Specifies an IP:PORT to listen on for public (restricted) RPC requests; can be specified multiple times.
--rpc-admin arg (={,[::1]:22023}, {,[::1]:38157} if 'testnet', {,[::1]:38857} if 'devnet')
Specifies an IP:PORT to listen on for admin (unrestricted) RPC requests; can be specified multiple times. Specify "none" to disable.
--lmq-public arg Adds a public, unencrypted OxenMQ RPC listener (with restricted capabilities) at the given address; can be specified multiple times. Examples: tcp:// (listen on port 5555),
tcp:// (port 5555 on specific IPv4 address), tcp://[::]:5555, tcp://[2001:db8::abc]:5555 (IPv6), or ipc:///path/to/socket to listen on a unix domain socket
--lmq-curve-public arg Adds a curve-encrypted OxenMQ RPC listener at the given address that accepts (restricted) rpc commands from any client. Clients must already know this server's public x25519 key to establish an
encrypted connection.
--lmq-curve arg Adds a curve-encrypted OxenMQ RPC listener at the given address that only accepts client connections from whitelisted client x25519 pubkeys. Clients must already know this server's public x25519
key to establish an encrypted connection. When running in service node mode the quorumnet port is already listening as if specified with --lmq-curve.
--lmq-admin arg Adds an x25519 pubkey of a client permitted to connect to the --lmq-curve, --lmq-curve-public, or quorumnet address(es) with unrestricted (admin) capabilities.
--lmq-user arg Specifies an x25519 pubkey of a client permitted to connect to the --lmq-curve or quorumnet address(es) with restricted capabilities
--lmq-local-control arg Adds an unencrypted OxenMQ RPC listener with full, unrestricted capabilities and no authentication at the given address. Listens at ipc://<data-dir>/oxend.sock if not specified. Specify 'none' to
disable the default. WARNING: Do not use this on a publicly accessible address!
--lmq-umask arg (=0007) Sets the umask to apply to any listening ipc:///path/to/sock LMQ sockets, in octal.

sudo apt install oxen-node.service
systemctl status oxen-node.service