you can run lokinet where it lets you "exit" but only to your local network, let me find the config option

config override on the lokinet used to access your lan. [network] keyfile=/var/lib/lokinet/key.private owned-range= exit=true and then on the client do: $ lokinet-vpn --exit otherguysaddr.loki --range --up

keep in mind, this will also let you tunnel out to the internet via that other lokinet, so if you dont want that, make sure to prevent it with the os firewall also on client end you need to use another command to add the normal exit, and it can be the same loki address as the lan lokinet or an other lokinet exit entirely $ lokinet-vpn --exit otherexit.loki --up

config override to reduce the path length to 2 hops. (keep in mind this is documented in our auto generated ini files) [network] hops=2